Exciting times at Heritage! We are planting a new block of Tempranillo. Keep following this post to see how they progress.
Week starting October 21, 2019
During this week we put the posts in the ground and started stringing wires. John, Lahcen and Rob have a week of blisters and aching muscles. Luckily Hoffee dug the holes with his skid steer. Prior to this, we ran a deep ripper to loosen the soil and a set of discs to break up the clods.
Week Starting October 28
Check that the Irrigation works..
Week Starting November 25
The planing achieves close to 100% success and already the little vines are peeping over the top of their guards.
Boxing Day 2019
April 2020
The vines are up, growing on the cordon wire, and looking great. Therese and Rob have been out lifting up any drooping cordons and weeding in the Groguards.
November 2020
We have just lifted the trellis wire to accommodate this spring’s growth. The vies are bursting away and carrying a large crop of new grapes, most of which will be snipped off to let the vines develop.
September 2021
Our little vines have been pruned and are just starting to spring back into life. All being well they should carry a small crop this year. The ones we left on last year weer lost to birds and weather but this year should be great.